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Saturday, March 18, 2023


10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, March 18

50th Anniversary: Selections from Light Work Collection
Everson Museum of Art

Everson Museum of Art
401 Harrison St., Syracuse

Remarkable in its breadth and depth, Light Work's 50th Anniversary exhibition is a thoughtful composition of photographic works that have come into Light Work's permanent collection over the past 50 years through the generosity of former artist-in-residence participants, Grant Awardees, and individual donations. The works on view are a reflective curation from over 4,000 objects and photographic prints from an extensive and diverse archive that maps the trends and developments in contemporary photography. The semi-centennial presents a unique opportunity to share the legacy of support the organization has extended to emerging and under-represented artists working in photography and digital image-making. Highlights in the show include early works from acclaimed photographers Dawoud Bey, Carrie Mae Weems, James Welling, and more.


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