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Wednesday, December 6, 2023


2:00 PM - 6:00 PM, December 6

William Mazza: Forest for Trees
ArtRage Gallery

Price: Free
ArtRage Gallery
505 Hawley Ave., Syracuse

William Mazza, a collective member of Syracuse's Altered Space gallery (1991-1996) and currently an artist based in New York City, uses chance, duration, and accumulation to interpret landscape as the relationship of people to mediated environments. The most material expressions of his wide-ranging projects are drawings, paintings, animations, and video created by translating subjects such as lived environments, spatial relocations, television programs, or text into constructions of landscape.

While Mazza responds to his surroundings in many exploratory ways, in this, his Literary Landscape series exhibited with us, he mines the words from texts written by such authors as Angela Davis, Cecilia Vicuna, Anne Waldman, and Susan Sontag. He then separates them into the letters that fill one written page ... and one painting.


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